Come enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity with a wonderful night filled with beautiful design, great people and a great cause. This event benefits floral education scholarships and grants and…
Imagine a walk in the middle of the woods that is lit with nothing but thousands of candles, a beautiful Michigan autumn evening and over 30 professionally made large scale floral designs…
You can find all kinds of words throughout the industry for marketing, sales, and to individualize a company from order-gather’s and the like. What do or your company use to separate yourself…
What a crazy weekend packed full of floral competition and amazing design! The results are in and here are some of the winners from this weekends competitions. Arkansas Florists Association 9th Annual…
I had the honor of chairing the Texas Cup competition at the 100 Year Celebration of the Texas State Florists’ Association‘s annual convention in Austin, Texas on July 18th, 2014. I came…
To be the best you must know the best and three of floral.days favorite designs have just teamed up to form the super team that is known as Florgasm. The team consists…
Unlike yesterday’s post full of our opinions and thoughts about your personal floral health, today we have collected articles and thoughts about what florists may be missing when it comes…
It is very well known that florists take very poor care of themselves. When you aren’t taking proper care of yourself, you’re just causing yourself more health issues, stress, and this may…
If you haven’t found your way to being a Facebook friend with the lovely Baudouin Roelants yet, you are missing out. Baudouin is one of those people that always has a kind…
-’s first glimpse of Dr. Solomon Leong AIFD was actually on Facebook when someone shared one of his pictures with us. Our fascination grew from there. Solomon is the owner of Solomon Bloemen,…